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Analysis Research & Planing for Armenia
ARPA Institute (Analysis Research & Planning for Armenia) is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3), founded in 1992 in Los Angeles, California.
Established by a group of dedicated Armenian scientists and experts, the Institute has continually advanced education and scientific research, promoting technological and economic growth and contributing significantly to developing a science-based economy in Armenia. ARPA has been working closely with Armenia’s Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports (ESCS), as well as the Ministry of High-Tech Industry, Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory also known as the Physics Institute, Yerevan State University, and the National Polytechnic University of Armenia.
Latest News
Stemar educational program
The Stemar Initiative is reshaping STEM education by fostering inquiry-based, interdisciplinary learning for thousands of students and hundreds of educators across Armenia. ARPA is committed to integrating experiential learning into the curriculum, impacting local communities by connecting schools with industries and enhancing problem-solving and entrepreneurial skills among students. We aim to cultivate a new generation that values collaboration, innovation, and analytical thinking, driving Armenia's scientific community forward.
A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory
ARPA Institute works closely with AANL to enhance its capabilities through diverse initiatives, emphasizing both cutting-edge infrastructure and impactful research including: Advancing the Radio Frequency Photomultiplier Tube towards market applications; Creating a Class-1000 Cleanroom to foster collaborative scientific endeavors; Expanding the facilities at the Advanced Center for Detection Technologies; Elevating Armenia's role in global scientific and commercial innovation.
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Our mission is to create a nation where equality, fairness, and opportunity abound.
Research on Confined Light and Advanced Photovoltaics at Yerevan State University and Alikhanyan National Lab
The optical response of materials is predicated on light-matter interactions in free space, subject to the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. Since the momentum of free space photons is negligible in comparison to that of electrons, optical transitions are only allowed among states that are vertically aligned in momentum space.
Center of Excellence for Circuit Design at National Polytechnic University of Armenia
The ARPA Institute is working to establish a state-of-the-art electronic design automation lab in circuit design at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia(NPUA) in collaboration with CISCO and Cadence Design Systems. The primary expert for this initiative is Vatche Souvalian. The main objective is to offer new circuit design courses for graduate students to learn the use and applications of specialized software tools provided by Cadence Design System.
Arpa Team
Ph.D., Engineering, Biomechanics
She is an internationally renowned expert in musculoskeletal biomechanics, ergonomics...