Center of Excellence for Circuit Design at National Polytechnic University of Armenia

The ARPA Institute is working to establish a state-of-the-art electronic design automation lab in circuit design at the National Polytechnic University of Armenia(NPUA) in collaboration with CISCO and Cadence Design Systems. The primary expert for this initiative is Vatche Souvalian. The main objective is to offer new circuit design courses for graduate students to learn the use and applications of specialized software tools provided by Cadence Design System. This will help improve the semiconductor ecosystem in Armenia. The lab will be certified by Cadence Design Systems, thus giving NPUA international recognition to attract international players in the field. ARPA institute will provide the necessary hardware (two dedicated high-performance servers as well lab equipment/computers), make the arrangements for the software and training and coordinate with NPUA Administration. CISCO will provide the necessary knowledge and training to teach and proliferate the use of such design tools. The Cadence software tools will be used for both education as well as research and development.

Please help the ARPA Institute complete this highly critical facility with all the modern computational hardware and tools necessary to carry out cutting-edge circuit design courses and research in Armenia by donating generously.

You can donate through our website or send a check made to the ARPA Institute and send it to Dr. Sargis Sedrakyan, 17436 Dusty Willow Ct., Canyon Country, CA 91387.
